Item Details
Hi I have for sale my Tony Kart senior rotax. It's a 2009 ex show frame with a 2006 engine, which has been rebuilt and sealed by DG Racing. One session to run the engine in so is ready for the new season. I have 2 sets of wet Vega tires on rims appox 50 laps but ideal for testing and 1 set of Mojo slicks on rims again approx 50 laps old. I haven't raced the kart and only done about 8 days on it so everything is working well. It does have an Alfano lap timer but will sell the kart for £1600 without the timer. Genuine reason for sale, I'm looking to get a 125 open. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact me by email or phone. If you require further photos please let me know. Files are too big to upload here.